Gail Lindenberg enjoys her home in Phillips Ranch, CA with her husband Gene and a furry cat named Smudge. Retired after thirty-seven years of teaching in public schools, Gail spends her time caring for her mother and her granddaughter.
Gail wrote He Wrote Her Every Day while recovering from cancer. She presented a hard-cover version to her mother as a 90th birthday gift. Once the chemo fog lifted, she joined a writer’s workshop to produce better edited editions. Gail often says that she felt as though her father was watching over her shoulder while she wrote about his letters. “Sometimes,” she notes, “I think he may have been shaking his head a bit.”
Get in contact with Gail
You can contact Gail and read more about the background of her book on her website.
He Wrote Her Every Day
A love story and true account of the Second World War. Perfect for fans of personal memoirs, military history and historical biographies.
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