Cathy Wallace is an author, journalist and hopeless romantic who wrote her first book at the tender age of six. Entitled Tarka the Otter, it was a shameless rip-off of the Henry Williamson classic of the same name, and the manuscript was lost after she sent it to her pen-pal and never heard a jot from her since.
Fortunately reception to her writing became more favourable and she spent ten years working for a range of newspapers and magazines covering everything from general elections and celebrity scandals to cats stuck up trees and village fetes. She has been freelance since 2011 and written for The Telegraph, Red Online, Total Women’s Cycling and other lifestyle and cycling publications and websites.
She is the author of three non-fiction books and her debut and thankfully non-plagiarised novel Summer at Hollyhock House will be published by Sapere Books this year.
Cathy lives on the leafy London/Surrey border with her two children and a dog with only two facial expressions, hungry and guilty. Her hobbies include mountain biking, photography, wandering around outside getting lost, fantasising about getting her garden under control, reading, looking at pretty things on Instagram and drinking tea.
Get in contact with Cathy
You can find her on Instagram at CathyWallace_ on Twitter @CathyWallace_ or visit her website.
Summer at Hollyhock House
Faith Coombes should have been over the moon when her long-term boyfriend proposed to her. But instead, she broke with him. Rob was safe, reliable, nice and … boring. Nothing like the only person who had ever broken her heart…
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