In this behind-the-scenes blog series, Sapere Books authors offer an intriguing insight into how, where and why they write.

Today, we are delighted to spotlight D. R. Bailey, author of the Spitfire Mavericks Thrillers.

For my aviation novels, I do a lot of direct and indirect research. I read books, watch documentaries, scour historical websites and more. I’m looking for context rather than necessarily actual events. There is a surprising number of things you would never imagine happened continuing to be revealed about World War Two.

I’m interested in the what-ifs and that’s where I take my stories. I grew up just after the war and so some aspects of British culture at the time seem to have imprinted themselves upon me. I’m most interested in characters, developing them and their lives, building the stories around them. I have a keen sense of humour and I can’t help adding that into my plots. I’m not trying to write a history book so much as an adventure book set in the era.

I work full-time as a lecturer in Creative Technology, so my writing time is constrained. However, I’ve developed a disciplined approach to writing based on the Pomodoro method, which has served me well. I write in twenty-five-minute bursts, and I must work uninterrupted for that time. I try to complete a certain number of these bursts a day and I track them very precisely in a spreadsheet, which informs me of my writing speed and how much longer I have to go to finish the book. I also edit as I go, not leaving a scene until I’m happy with it. Then, of course, once finished I read through and edit again, but generally, I find I’ve done all the hard work prior to that point.

During term time I write after work for maybe an hour and then more at the weekends until I’ve got my novel done. I am a pretty fast writer, so I’m lucky that way. I also work through a loose synopsis and plot, but my characters often change the story as I go, and it plays in my head as I write it — just like a movie scene.

D. R. Bailey’s writing space

Fortunately, my wife is hugely supportive in every way and makes me delicious meals when I’m in full flow writing a novel. Unfortunately, my cat has no respect for my writing time, and will come and beg for food or strokes regardless of whether or not I’m busy.

My writing space, as you can see, has a lot of cat ornaments; I’m an avid cat lover and we just keep on collecting more. My space is light and comfortable, and I have a nice big screen for composing my words. I’m also surrounded by books, including my own, my daughter’s and my sister’s, who are both successful novelists too. I also have my doctorate certificate on the wall, one of my proudest achievements. I aim to keep writing for as long as I can, completing as many books as I can. I find it one of the most calming and fulfilling things in life. I’m grateful that Sapere Books has given me the chance to get my stories into the hands of so many more readers.


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