The epic inside story of the victory in Africa and Europe by Montgomery’s Chief-of-Staff.
The epic inside story of the victory in Africa and Europe by Montgomery’s Chief-of-Staff.
From El Alamein to Sicily, continuing to D-Day and the Battle of Normandy, all the way to the conclusion of the war in Europe, Major-General Sir Francis de Guingand served alongside Montgomery through all his major campaigns. Together they forged a partnership that was a vital element in the extraordinary success of the Allied armies.
Indeed, Montgomery wrote of his debt to de Guingand after the war stating, “Anything I have been able to achieve during the late war could not have been done if he had not been at my side.” Americans too held him in the highest regard, General Omar Bradley wrote in A Soldier’s Story, “Somewhere in almost every critical Allied decision of the war in Europe, you will find the anonymous but masterful handiwork of this British soldier.”
Operation Victory is de Guingand’s masterful book charting his journey through the Second World War. Yet, it is not simply a re-telling of the battles that he fought with the Eighth Army and the 21st Army Group, it also provides a unique insight into what it takes to get those armies equipped and in place to achieve those famous victories. De Guingand also shines a perceptive light on the numerous commanders who led their armies to victory, exploring how their leadership ensured that the Allies emerged triumphant.