We are proud to announce that we have partnered with Carbon Neutral Britain to measure and offset our carbon footprint, to become Certified as a Carbon Neutral Business.

This means that any carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere by Sapere Books’ activities will be balanced by an equivalent amount being removed or prevented. Carbon Neutral Britain is a non-governmental organisation that helps achieve this by planting trees and funding carbon offsetting projects around the world. These include the Nicaforest Reforestation Program in Santo Tomas, Chontales region in Nicaragua, and the Burgos Wind Farm Project in the Philippines.

Sapere Books have committed to carbon neutrality because we recognise the importance of taking responsibility for our environmental impact and thus helping to tackle the climate change crisis.

Richard Simpson, Sapere Books’ Operations Director says:

“We’re delighted to have been certified as a carbon neutral company and to have contributed to hugely important reforestation and green energy projects across the globe. As a company that sells books to readers from across the world, we’re proud to be making our contribution to the global fight against climate change.”

Sapere Books are looking forward to contributing to more offsetting projects in the future to ensure that the books that we publish only make an impact upon our readers and not upon the Earth.

Visit Carbon Neutral Britain to find out more about how to become a carbon neutral company.

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