Congratulations to Tony Rea, whose thrilling fighter pilot adventure, Bouncer’s Blenheim, is published today!

Bouncer’s Blenheim is the second book in the Gus Beaumont Aviation Thrillers series: action-packed military novels set during the Second World War.

Europe, 1940

After surviving the Battle of Britain, fighter pilot Gus ‘Bouncer’ Beaumont has been promoted to Flying Officer and is posted to a Spitfire reconnaissance squadron.

That is, until Wing Commander Peacock creates another mission for him.

A new top-secret unit called the Special Operations Executive has been formed to gather intelligence on the enemy. And Gus is ordered infiltrate the Greek Resistance and establish their political affiliation.

Mussolini’s army have occupied Greece but the locals have been fighting back. The actions of the civilians seem promising and British Intelligence want to know where the Greeks’ allegiance lies.

To have a chance of success, Gus needs to ditch his plane into the sea and get picked up by the Resistance fighters.

But that is easier said than done … if you want to survive the crash.

Will Gus make it to Corfu in one piece? Can he persuade the Resistance fighters to confide in him?

And can he successfully evade the Italian army…?

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