David was a lawyer, but left legal practice some years ago to take up further opportunities in his specialist area of aviation. During his career, he has been an advisor and director in a range of aviation organisations. He is also a professionally qualified pilot.
In 2022, David became an author. Success in an international writing competition resulted in Sapere Books inviting him to write three, aviation-themed, historical fiction novels. The John Noble Fighter Ace Thriller series, being published over the course of 2025, followed.
When writing, David enjoys combining fact and fiction. He likes to weave his stories through known places and events, often using characters inspired by real people, but always using his imagination.
As well as writing, David enjoys travel, playing golf with friends, and mountain-biking. He has ridden many of the amazing trails available in Australia and New Zealand, but carefully avoids any advanced, experts-only, tracks.
David lives in Christchurch, New Zealand.

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